

Hовые поступления с 1 мая по 24 июня 2013 года

  1. Визовитин Н.В., Непомнящий В.А. Алгоритмы трансляции 
UCM-спецификаций в раскрашенные сети Петри.-Новосибирск, 2012.
-55 с.-(Препринт/ИСИ СО РАН; N 168).
  2. Шелехов В.И. Разработка и верификация алгоритмов 
пирамидальной сортировки в технологии предикатного 
программирования.-Новосибирск, 2012.-25 с.-(Препринт/ИСИ СО 
РАН; N 164).
  3. Батраков В.А., Шелехов В.И. Автоматическое 
доказательство формул корректности предикатной программы в 
системе Russell.-Новосибирск, 2012.-32 с.-(Препринт/ИСИ СО 
РАН; N 163).
  4. Чушкин М.С., Шелехов В.А. Генерация и доказательство 
условий корректности предикатных программ.-Новосибирск, 2012.
-49 с.-(Препринт/ИСИ СО РАН; N 166).
  5. Каблуков И.В., Шелехов В.И. Реализация склеивания 
переменных в предикатной программе.-Новосибирск, 2012.-13 с.
-(Препринт/ИСИ СО РАН; N 167).
  6. Речистов Г.С. Разработка методов моделирования для 
оценки производительности суперкомпьютерных систем для 
параллельных приложений с однородным характером поведения: 
Автореф. дис... канд. тех. наук: 05.13.11.-М., 2013.-22 с.
-Библиогр.: c.20-22.
  7. Хатько Е.Е. Исследование и разработка метода, моделей и 
алгоритмов тестирования приложений для мобильных устройств: 
Автореф. дис... канд. тех. наук: 05.13.11.-М., 2013.-21 с.
-Библиогр.: c.21.
  8. Байда Ю.В. Методология разработки аппаратных моделей 
микропроцессора на программируемых логических интегральных 
схемах: Автореф. дис... канд. тех. наук: 05.13.15.-М., 2013.
-22 с.-Библиогр.: c.21-22.
  9. Бухаров Д.С. Методика решения задач оптимизации 
региональной транспортно-логистической инфраструктуры: 
Автореф. дис... канд. тех. наук: 05.13.18.-Иркутск, 2013.-16 
с.-Библиогр.: c.15-16.
 10. Литвинович А.В. Синтез визуальных объектов по 
естественно-языковому описанию на базе интегрированной 
онтологии: Автореф. дис... канд. тех. наук: 05.13.11.-М., 
2013.-17 с.-Библиогр.: c.17.
 11. Ershov Informatics Conference, 8th Edition: 
Proc./Novosibirsk, Russia, June, 2011/IIS SB RAS; .
-Novosibirsk, 2011.-328 p.-(PSI Conference Series).
 12. Jackson P. Introduction to Expert Systems (Third 
Edition).- Edinburgh: Addison-Wesley, 1999.- 542 p.
-Bibliogr.: p.514-531.
 13. Olson D.L., Courtney J.F.,Jr Decision Support Models 
and Expert Systems.- Houston,Tx: DAME, 1998.- 334 p.
 14. Facing the Multicore-Challenge III: Aspects of New 
Paradigms and Technologies in Parallel Computing/Ed. by  
R.Keller, D.Kramer, J.-Ph.Weiss.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7686.-146 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).

 15. Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: Proc./11th 
International Conference, ICANNGA 2013, Lausanne, 
Switzerland, April 2013/Ed. by  M.Tomassini, A.Antonioni, 
F.Daolio, P.Buesser.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7824.-506 
p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 16. Formal Aspects of Component Software: Revised Selected 
Papers/9th International Symposium, FACS 2012, Mountain 
View,CA,USA, September 2012/Ed. by  C.S.Pasareanu, G.Salaun.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7684.-277 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 17. Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 
Revised Selected Papers/16th International Workshop, JSSPP 
2012, Shanghai, China, May 2012/Ed. by  W.Cirne, N.Desai, 
E.Frachtenberg, U.Schwiegelshohn.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7698.-273 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 18. Programming Logics: Essays in Memory of Harald Ganzinger
/Ed. by  A.Voronkov, Ch.Weidenbach.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7797.-447 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 19. Web Services and Formal Methods: Revised Selected 
Papers/9th International Workshop, WS-FM 2012, Tallinn, 
Estonia, September 2012/Ed. by  M.H.Ter_Beek, N.Lohmann.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7843.-151 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 20. Transactions on Rough Sets XVI/Ed. by  J.F.Peters, 
A.Skowron, Sh.Ramanna, Z.Suraj.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 
7736.-221 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 21. Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software 
Quality: Proc./19th International Working Conference, REFSQ 
2013, Essen, Germany, April 2013/Ed. by  J.Doerr, A.L.Opdahl.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7830.-402 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 22. Persuasive Technology: Proc./8th International 
Conference, PERSUASIVE 2013, Sydny,NSW,Australia, April 2013/
Ed. by  S.Berkovsky, J.Freyne.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 
7822.-268 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 23. Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: 
Revised Selected Papers/21st International Workshop, WART 
2012, Salamanca. Spain, June 2013/Ed. by  N.Marti-Oliet, 
M.Paliomino.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7841.-283 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 24. Transactions on Edutainment X/Ed. by  Zh.Pan, 
A.D.Cheok, W.Muller, I.Iurgel.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 
7775.-269 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 25. Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: Revised 
Selected Papers/25th International Workshop, LCPC 2012, 
Tokyo, Japan, September 2012/Ed. by  H.Kasahara, K.Kimura.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7760.-276 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 26. Automated Reasoning and Mathematics: Essays in Memory 
of William W. McCune/Ed. by  M.P.Bonacina, M.E.Stickel.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7788.-259 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 27. Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 
Proc./9th International Conference, ICDCIT 2013, 
Bhubaneswar, India, February, 2013/Ed. by  Ch.Hota, 
P.K.Srimani.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7753.-574 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 28. Information Retrieval Meets Information Visualization: 
Revised Selected Papers/ PROMISE Winter School, 2012, Zinal, 
Switzerland, January, 2012/Ed. by  M.Agosti, N.Ferro, 
P.Forner, H.Muller.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7757.-177 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 29. Software Engineering: Revised Tutoreal Lectures/ 
International Summer Schools, ISSSE 2009-2011, Salerno, Italy
/Ed. by  A.De_Lucia, F.Ferrucci.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7171.-237 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 30. Informatics in Schools. Sustainable Informatics 
Education for Pupils of all Ages: Proc./6th Internatioanl 
Conference, ISSEP 2013, Oldenburg, Germany, February 2013/
Ed. by  I.Diethelm, R.T.Mittermeir.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7780.-209 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 31. System Analysis and Modeling: Theory and Practice: 
Revised Selected Papers/7th International Workshop, SAM 
2012, Innsbruck, Austria, October 2012/Ed. by  O.Haugen, 
R.Reed, .Gotzhein.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7744.-249 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 32. Reversible Computation: Revised Papers/4th 
International Workshop, RC 2012, Copenhagen, Danmark, July 
2012/Ed. by  R.Gluck, T.Yokoyama.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7581.-241 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 33. Unifying Theories of Programming: Revised Selected 
Papers/4th International Symposium, UTP 2012, Paris, France, 
August 2012/Ed. by  B.Wolff, M.-C.Gaudel, A.Feliachi.-Berlin:
 Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7681.-249 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 34. SOFSEM 2013: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 
Proc./39th International Conference on Current Trends in 
Theory and Practice of CS, Spindleruv Mlyn, Czech Republic, 
January 2013/Ed. by  P.Van_Emde_Boas, F.C.A.Groen, 
G.F.Italiano, J.Nawrocki.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7741.
-566 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 35. Logic and Its Applications: Proc./5th Indian 
Conference, ICLA 2013, Chennai, India, January 2013/Ed. by  
K.Lodaya.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7750.-259 p.-(Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science).
 36. Algorithms for Sensor Systems: Revised Selected 
Papers/8th International Symposium, ALGOSENSORS 2012, 
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 2012/Ed. by  A.Bar-Noy, 
M.M.Halldorsson.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7718.-145 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 37. NASA Formal Methods: Proc./5th International Symposium, 
NFM 2013, Moffett Field,CA,USA, May 2013/Ed. by  G.Brat, 
N.Rungta, A.Venet.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7871.-486 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 38. Selected Topics in Performance Evaluation and 
Benchmarking: Revised Selected Papers/4th TPC Technology 
Conference, TPCTC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012/Ed. by 
R.Nambiar, M.Poess.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7755.-209 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 39. New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns: Revised 
Selected Papers/1st International Workshop, NFMCP 2012 Held 
in Conjanction with ECML-PKDD 2012, Bristol, UK, September 
2012/Ed. by  A.Appice, M.Ceci, C.Loglisci, G.Manco.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7765.-231 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 40. Бредихин С.В., Кузнецов А.Ю., Щербакова Н.Г. Анализ 
цитирования в библиометрии/ИВМ и МГ СО РАН. .- Новосибирск: 
НЭИКОН, 2013.- 344 с.-Библиогр.: c.293-332.
 41. Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 
Revised Selected Papers/22nd International Symposium, LOPSTR 
2012, Leuven, Belgium, September 2012/Ed. by  E.Albert.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7844.-245 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 42. Advanced Infocomm Technology: Revised Papers/5th IEEE 
International Conference, ICAIT 2012, Paris, France, July 
2012/Ed. by  V.Guyot.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7593.-358 
p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 43. Web Information System Engineering - WISE 2011 and 2012 
Workshops: Revised Selected Papers/ Combinet WISE 2011 and 
WISE 2012 Workshops, Sydney, Australia, October 2011 and 
Paphos, Cyprus, November 2012/Ed. by  A.Haller, G.Huang, 
Z.Huang, H.Paik.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7652.-350 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 44. Cryptology and Network Security: Proc./11th 
International Conference, CANS 2012, Darmstadt, Germany, 
December 2012/Ed. by  J.Pierpzyk, A.-R.Sadeghi, M.Manulis.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7712.-311 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 45. Big Data Analytics: Proc./1st International Conference, 
BDA 2012, New Delhi, India, December 2012/Ed. by  
S.Srinivasa, V.Bhatnagar.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7678.
-181 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 46. Algorithmic Game Theory: Proc./5th International 
Symposium, SAGT 2012, Barcelona, Spain, October 2012/Ed. by  
M.Serna.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7615.-263 p.-(Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science).
 47. Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: From Measurement, 
Classification, and Anomaly Detection to Quality of 
Experience/Ed. by  E.Biersack, Ch.Callegari, M.Matijasevic.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7754.-359 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 48. Genetic Programming: Proc./16th Eropean Conference, 
EuroGP 2013, Vienna, Austria, April 2013/Ed. by  K.Krawiec, 
A.Moraglio, T.Hu, A.S.Etaner-Uyar.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7831.-277 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 49. Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 
Proc./13th European Conference, EvoCOP 2013, Vienna, 
Austria, April 2013/Ed. by  M.Middendorf, Ch.Blum.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7832.-275 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 50. Radio Frequency Identification. Security and Privacy 
Issues: Revised Selected Papers/8th International Workshop, 
RFIDSec 2012, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 2012/Ed. by  
J.-H.Hoepman, I.Verbauwhede.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 
7739.-181 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 51. Aliasing in Object-Oriented Programming: Types, 
Analysis, and Verification/Ed. by  D.Clarke, J.Noble, 
T.Wrigstad.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7850.-515 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 52. Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications: Revised 
Selected Papers/11th International Conference, CARDIS 2012, 
Graz, Austria, November 2012/Ed. by  S.Mangard.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7771.-297 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 53. Verification, Modal Checking, and Abstract 
Interpretation: Proc./14th International Conference, VMCAI 
2013, Rome, Italy, January, 2013/Ed. by  R.Giacobazzi, 
J.Berdine, I.Mastroeni.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7737.
-556 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 54. Agent Based Simulation for a Sustainable Society and 
Multi-agent Smart Computing: Revised Selected Papers/ 
International Workshops, PRIMA 2011, Wollongong, Australia, 
November 2011/Ed. by  S.Cranefield, I.Song.-Berlin: Springer,
 2013.-Vol. 7580.-125 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 55. Advances Data Mining and Applications: Proc./8th 
International Conference, ADMA 2012, Nanjing, China, 
December 2012/Ed. by  S.Zhou, S.Zhang, G.Karypis.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7713.-795 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 56. Computing and Combinatorics: Proc./19th International 
Conference, COCOON 2013, Hangzhou, China, June 2013/Ed. by  
D.-Z.Du, G.Zhang.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7936.-861 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 57. Recent Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 
Proc./26th International Conference on Industrial, 
Engineering and Others Applications on AIS, IEA/AIE 2013, 
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2013/Ed. by  M.Ali, 
T.Bosse, K.V.Hindriks, M.Hoogendoorn.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7906.-697 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 58. Research in Computational Molecular Biology: Proc./17th 
Annual International Conference, RECOMB 2013, Beijing, 
China, April 2013/Ed. by  M.Deng, R.Jiang, F.Sun, X.Zhang.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7821.-346 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
 59. Citizen in Sensor Networks: Revised Selected Papers/1st 
International Workshop, CitiSens 2012, Monpellier, France, 
August 2012/Ed. by  J.Nin, D.Villatoro.-Berlin: Springer, 
2013.-Vol. 7685.-95 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 

 60. Evaluation of Natural Language and Speech Tools for 
Italian: Revised Selected Papers/ International Workshop, 
EVALITA 2011, Rome, Januare 2012/Ed. by  B.Magnini, 
F.Cutugno, M.Falcone, E.Pianta.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 
7689.-339 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 61. Conceptual Structures for STEM Research and Education: 
Proc./20th International Conference on CS, ICCS 2013, 
Mumbai, India, January 2013/Ed. by  H.D.Pfeiffer, 
D.I.Ignatov, J.Poelmans, N.Gadiraju.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7735.-333 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial 
 62. Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies X: Revised 
Selected Papers/10th International Workshop, DALT 2012, 
Valencia, Spain, June 2012/Ed. by  M.Baldoni, L.Dennis, 
V.Mascardi, W.Vasconcelos.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7784.
-209 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 63. Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in 
Agent Systems VIII: Revised Selected Papers/14th 
International Workshop, COIN 2012 Held Co-located with AAMAS 
2012, Valencia, Spain, June 2012/Ed. by  H.Aldewereld, 
J.S.Sichman.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7756.-193 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 64. Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning and Lattice 
Computing with Applications: Revised Selected Papers/16th 
International Conference, KES 2012, San Sebastian, Spain, 
September 2012/Ed. by  M.Grana, C.Toro, R.J.Howlett, L.C.Jain.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7828.-207 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Artificial Intelligence).
 65. Advances in Computational Intelligence, Part I: Revised 
Selected Papers/11th Mexican International Conference, On 
AI, MICAI 2012, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, October 2012/Ed. by 
I.Batyrshin, M.G.Mendoza.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7629.
-482 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 66. Advances in Computational Intelligence, Part II: 
Revised Selected Papes/11th Mexican International Conference 
on AI, MICAI 2012, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, October 2012/Ed. 
by  I.Batyrshin, M.G.Mendoza.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 
7630.-469 p.-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 67. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part 
I: Proc./17th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2013, Gold 
Coast, Australia, April 2013/Ed. by  J.Pei, V.S.Tseng, 
L.Cao, H.Motoda.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7818.-610 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 68. Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Part 
II: Proc./17th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2013, Golg 
Coast, Australia, April 2013/Ed. by  J.Pei, V.S.Tseng, 
L.Cao, H.Motoda.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7819.-586 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence).
 69. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text 
Processing, Part I: Proc./14th International Conference, 
CICLing 2013, Samos, Greece, March 2013/Ed. by  A.Gelbukh.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7816.-576 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 70. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text 
Processing, Part II: Proc./14th International Conference, 
CICLing 2013, Samos, Greece, March 2013/Ed. by  A.Gelbukh.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7817.-576 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 71. Health Information Science: Proc./2nd International 
Conference, HIS 2013, London, UK, March 2013/Ed. by  
G.Huang, X.Liu, J.He, F.Klawoon.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7798.-280 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 72. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the 
Heart. Imaging and Modelling Challenges: Revised Selected 
Papers/3rd International Workshop, STACOM 2012 Held in 
Conjanction with MICCAI 2012, Nice, France, October 2012/Ed. 
by  O,Camara, T.Mansi, M.Pop, K.Rhode.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7746.-385 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 73. Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2012: Revised 
Selected Papers/5th International Conference, Cologne, 
Germany, May 2012/Ed. by  M.Abdalla, T.Lange.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7708.-333 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 74. Information Security and Cryptology - ICISC 2012: 
Revised Selected Papers/15th International Conference, 
Seoul, Korea, November 2012/Ed. by  T.Kwon, M.-K.Lee, D.Kwon.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7839.-512 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 75. Security Protocols XVII: Revised Selected Papers/17th 
International Workshop, Cambridge, UK, April 2009/Ed. by  
B.Christianson, J.A.Malcolm, V.Matyas, M.Roe.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7028.-367 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 76. Foundations and Practice of Security: Revised Selected 
Papers/5th International Symposium, FPS 2012, 
Montreal,QC,Canada, October 2012/Ed. by  J.Garcia-Alfaro, 
F.Cuppens, N.Cuppens-Boulahia, A.Miri.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7743.-383 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 77. Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability 
Assessment: Revised Selected Papers/9th International 
Conference, DIMVA 2012, Heraclion, Crete, Greece, July 2012/
Ed. by  U.Flegel, E.Markatos, W.Robertson.-Berlin: Springer, 
2013.-Vol. 7591.-243 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 78. Engineering Secure Software and Systems: Proc./5th 
International Symposium, ESSoS 2013, Peris, France, February 
2013/Ed. by  J.Jurjens, B.Livshits, R.Scandariato.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7781.-229 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 79. Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2013: Proc./ The 
Cryptographers'Track at the RSA Conference 2013, San 
Francisco,CA,USA, February 2013/Ed. by  E.Dawson.-Berlin: 
Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7779.-405 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer 
 80. Advances in Multimedia Modeling, Part I: Proc./19th 
International Conference, MMM 2013, Huangshan, China, 
January 2013/Ed. by  Sh.Li, A.El_Saddic, M.Wang, T.Mei.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7732.-562 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 81. Advances in Multimedia Modeling, Part II: Proc/19th 
International Conference, MMM 2013, Huangshan, China, 
January 2013/Ed. by  Sh.Li, A.El_Saddik, M.Wang, T.Mei.
-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7733.-560 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 82. Pervasive Computing and the Networked World: Revised 
Selected Papers/ Joint International Conference, ICPCA/SWS 
2012, Istanbul, Turkey, November 2012/Ed. by  Q.Zu, B.Hu, 
A.Elci.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7719.-921 p.-(Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science).
 83. Grid and Pervasive Computing: Proc./8th International 
Conference, GPC 2013 and Colocated Workshops, Seoul, Korea, 
May 2013/Ed. by  J.J.Park, H.R.Arabnia, Ch.Kim, W.Shi.-Berlin:
 Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7861.-956 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).
 84. Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 
Proc./12th International Symposium, W2GIS 2013, 
Banff,AB,Canada, April 2013/Ed. by  S.H.L.Liang, X.Wang, 
Ch.Claramunt.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7820.-223 p.
-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 85. Smart Grid Security: Revised Selected Papers/1st 
International Workshop, SmartGridSec 2012, Berlin, Germany, 
December 2012/Ed. by  J.Cuellar.-Berlin: Springer, 2013.
-Vol. 7823.-151 p.-(Lecture Notes in Computer Science).
 86. Web Technologies and Applications: Proc./15th 
Asia-Pacific Web Conference, APWeb 2013, Sydney, Australia, 
April 2013/Ed. by  Y.Ishikawa, J.Li, W.Wang, R.Zhang.-Berlin:
 Springer, 2013.-Vol. 7808.-845 p.-(Lecture Notes in 
Computer Science).